Global Income

CyC Renta Global is a Structured Note, an instrument similar to an investment fund whose portfolio management is in charge of Sekoia Agente de Valores S.A. The fund is integrated with corporate and sovereign fixed income securities. In certain contexts, it may have preferred stocks, perpetual bonds and structured products in the portfolio to seek higher returns, always respecting the established risk and diversification parameters. Prioritize the search for value in issuers with good credit quality. The portfolio is diversified geographically and by sectors. It cannot include Argentine issuers or titles with Argentine Law. It does not have a specific performance and duration target, but it maintains the flexibility to accommodate different global contexts.

Investor Profile: Moderate.

Investment Horizon: Medium Term.

Fund Information

Portfolio Manager: Sekoia Agente de Valores S.A.
Custodian: Bank of New York Mellon
Inception date: 07/10/2019
Currency: U$S
ISIN: XS1973722066
Bloomberg ID: ZS0234469
Total Expense Ratio (TER): 0,75% annual
Minimum: 1.000 VN
Net Worth
NAV p/100

NAV`s Evolution