Invest globally with
local advice

Operate in financial markets around the world quickly and
transparently. Get direct advice and explore new
investment opportunities. Access a multiplicity of assets:
bonds and stocks from developed and emerging
countries, ETFs, global custody funds, derivatives,
commodities and more.

Operate in financial markets around the world quickly, safely and transparently. Get direct advice and explore new investment opportunities. Access a multiplicity of assets: bonds and stocks from developed and emerging countries, ETFs, global custody funds, derivatives, commodities, crypto and more.

About Us

Sekoia Agente de Valores S.A. is a broker-dealer operating under the authorization and supervision of the Central Bank of Uruguay as a Broker Dealer since 2009. The firm specializes in the trading of financial instruments authorized by major international markets, collaborating with banks, brokers, and counterparts of the highest reputation.

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and get financial advice

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What do you need
to open your

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  • Identification document.
  • Proof of income.
  • Proof of address.
  • Optional: copies of the latest Income Tax Returns (Ganancias) and Personal Assets Tax Returns (Bienes Personales).
  • Authorized Representatives: Identification document and power of attorney before a Public Notary.
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  • Articles of Association or Social Contract.
  • Shareholder Registry.
  • Minutes of the General Meeting approving the latest Financial Statements as well as the current positions.
  • Identification and address document of the representatives and beneficial owners.
  • Financial Statements certified by an external auditor and legalized by the Professional Council.
  • Latest copy of the Annual Income Statement.
  • Proof of Address of the Company.

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